"Air Pollution" a term we usually associate with an event only occurring outside buildings or houses, but in reality there is also a possibility that even your office or home can be polluted. There are a lot of reasons for indoor air pollution such as mold, pollen, pesticides, tobacco smoke, building materials such as asbestos, lead and formaldehyde. Indoor air pollution can be bring about "Sick Building Syndrome" an event where several people get sick or affected with no specific caused specified.
When any discomfort related to air quality is felt by people living inside the building, it can easily be remedied by removing the source of pollution from the area. On the other hand, there is a possibility of acquiring diseases that can be detected only when it's too late such as cancer and chronic respiratory problems. Keeping your indoor air quality in check can help prevent such diseases from occurring, to do this make sure to eliminate any potential air pollutants you have in your home.
All of us are exposed to risks concerning our health as we face our life everyday. From walking to park, to driving cars and riding airplanes - they all expose you to pollutants that can affect your health in varying ways. Risks are often times just unavoidable. If we don't face these risks, we are simply holding back ourselves from living our lives to the fullest. Some risks are also worth avoiding, only if we had the luxury of opting for the chance to do so. But luckily for you, there are things you can do to avoid indoor air pollution. The best way to avoid indoor air pollution is to use water based air purifiers and a MERV-13 Air conditioner filter which can filter most allergens for better indoor air quality while switching to all natural household cleaning supplies.
Things that bring about Indoor Air Problems:
Gas-releasing sources are primary causes of indoor air pollution in most homes. Having insufficient ventilation can also increase indoor air pollution because there is limited access to outdoor air that can dilute chemical pollutants and carry them outside of the home. Higher concentrations of pollutants in the home can also be caused by high temperatures and humidity inside the home.
The most effective and efficient way to improve indoor air quality is to remove the sources of pollution one by one to reduce gas or particle release inside your home. Some sources need to be adjusted to minimize production of pollutants, while other sources need to be sealed off such those that contain asbestos. Generally, the most efficient and cost-effective way to make your home a better place to live in is to remove the source of pollution rather than increasing ventilation sources.
-- Jeffrey Gatch is a frequent public speaker and blogger. He enjoys debating the latest industry news, writing, and watching old movies. Visit the following resource for additional info: MERV-13 Air Conditioner Filter You can find more of his writing on the author's profile.